The Chicken and Rice Lie

It was chicken and rice.

Just chicken and rice.

I stirred them together, added a few spices and cream, and scraped it into the family-size Pyrex dish.

The heat from the oven hit my face as I popped open the oven door and shoved it in.

Then the thought came out of nowhere.

“You haven’t done enough.”

It was quickly followed by a string of negative thoughts.

“Is chicken and rice all you’re going to cook? Not a vegetable in sight! That’s so unhealthy for your children. You’re not a good mom. Actually, you’re a failure.”

With each new abrasive thought, I could feel my heart sink. And I almost…..ALMOST swallowed it, hook, line and sinker.

But then, it took one step too far.


Hold the phone a minute, that sounds vaguely familiar.

In fact, as I consider this tenuous stream of consciousness, it begins to feel less like my own thoughts, and more like an old refrain I’ve heard and battled before.

It sounds like a lie.

A lie that has insidiously tried to weave itself into my heart in countless situations. It sounds like a lie from the devil.

But this time, I will not take this lie as my own. I will remember John 8:44(b) which says,

“…he (the devil) was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a LIAR and the father of it.

Are there common lies that constantly bombard you in your life? Lies like,


Horrible mom.






These lies and many others will come circling in, like bloodthirsty demons with glittering knives, looking for a weak, unguarded chink in your armor. We know this because John 10:10 says,

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…”

The devil wants to steal your joy, kill your passion, and destroy your life.

But JESUS finished the verse like this,

“I came so that they would have LIFE, and have it abundantly.”

So tonight, as my children happily smiled and thanked me for plain old chicken and rice, I rejected the lie that I am a failure in food choices. I took a stand against the twisted untruth that I am a bad mother. I will believe the truth that Jesus offers in 1 Peter 2:9.

But you are a CHOSEN people, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, GOD’S SPECIAL POSSESSION, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

I will not live tangled in the devil’s debilitating lies.

I encourage you to pray that God would reveal the twisted lies that may be embedded in your thoughts. Find scripture that combats these lies with TRUTH.

Believe Jesus and trust in Him.

I’d love to pray for you, that the Lord would break you free of these lies. If you would like prayer, leave a comment, or message me and I will be in prayer for you!

May you live and breathe and move and have your entire being in God our Father, and Jesus, His precious Son. (Acts 17:28)

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