Another Day, Another Dollar, Another Dryer

We go through appliances like my kids rip into the candy that “Papaw” brings by on a regular basis.

We’ve lived in this house four and a half years and we’re now on our fifth laundry appliance.

Our former dryer died on Saturday and Jason said, “What did you do to it?”

The truthful answer is, I run the thing. Day in, day out, 20 loads a week like clockwork. Over a thousand loads of laundry a year. No wonder the poor things break down. My appliances probably need a trip to the beach more than I do!

By Sunday afternoon the towels I’d hung to dry over the kitchen chairs were beginning to smell mildewed, and I was getting desperate.

I’d researched the part we needed for our old dryer ($250), messaged several people on Craigslist and Marketplace about the dryers they had posted(no one replied) and finally broke down.

I went to Lowe’s.

Actually I went to

To my delight, they were having a sale on dryers! 

So we ordered one. One of the last two in stock online!

But the delivery date was ten days away.

Do you know how much laundry will pile up in ten days? 25 loads. I’ll never catch up! So I called Lowe’s to see if we could just pick it up instead of having it delivered. 

But the customer service rep informed me that actually, the ones they had in store had already been bought, and the delivery truck with more dryers wasn’t supposed to arrive until the 22nd of July.

She kindly called an adjacent Lowe’s, but they were out of stock as well. I hung up the phone mentally calculating how many of my closest friends would let me dry 25 loads of laundry in their home.

Suddenly my phone rang again. The customer service rep had called me back, a bit breathless from her quick jog back to appliances. She’d found one last dryer in the store, but it was quite a bit smaller than the one I wanted. (It’s all about quantity over here.)

I was grateful but finally decided I’d just wait for the one I ordered.

Fifteen minutes later she called me back yet again and left a message.

“I’m sorry to keep bothering you but I’m standing here with our appliance guy. He said the truck with the dryers on it has arrived and will be unloaded and ready for you to pick up by tomorrow!”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed with joy. Over a dryer!

Honestly though, it wasn’t just over a dryer. It was a laugh of gratefulness. Because God provided exactly what I needed at exactly the right time.

That’s because He’s a trustworthy God. He’s well able to provide for all my needs. 

He could have provided the dryer in ten days and I would have still been grateful! But He chose next-day delivery this time to bring about His helping hand into my life.

It’s just another rhythm of His grace in the symphony He’s creating with my life. Notes of joy, notes of sorrow, and even some rests. (For all you non-musical people a rest is just a note that you hold down for a period of time and even though it shows up on the musical notation, it’s meant to be a moment of silence.)

Rests are important. Kind of like the waiting that God puts us through. They are an important part of the worship song He’s imprinting on our hearts.

So today I’m “being fully convinced that what He (God) had promised He was also able to perform”(Romans 4:19)

I’m grateful that MY GOD supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

I’m thankful that even in the small moments Jesus is teaching me how to see His presence and His glory, and how much He CARES. 

So when I look at this big hunk of gleaming white metal, I don’t just see a dryer.

I see, “Jesus Cares”, just as if it was written in bold red crayon across the front.

He cares for me.

And He most definitely, absolutely, positively cares for you too.

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, FOR HE CARES FOR YOU.” (1 Peter 5:6-7)

If you would like prayer about anything please drop a comment or message me. I’d love to pray for you and your needs. ❤️

1 thought on “Another Day, Another Dollar, Another Dryer”

  1. Oh Susanna! This brought tears –
    Rests are important. Kind of like the waiting that God puts us through. They are an important part of the worship song He’s imprinting on our hearts.
    I’m still crying. Thank you

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