
Playing outside on a warm January day.

The early sunshine filtered through my light-blocking bedroom curtains. Cocooned in my warm blankets I stretched and then heard the patter of small feet running into my room. I rolled over and looked into the red eyes and runny nose of my disheveled three year old. Clasping a box of cereal tightly to her chest she opened her mouth and began to wail.

Moooooooooommmmmmyyyyy!!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY!!!!”

A sigh started deep in my bones and rose up my throat as I began the touchy process of unraveling whatever perceived slight she had received but she finally calmed enough to answer my questions.

Moooooommmy I want ceeeeerrrrreeeeaaaalllll!” She cried.

I could hear cartoons playing on the television in the living room and knew her oldest brother was awake.

Baby, go ask Joseph to pour your cereal. He’ll give you some.” The tears disappeared as if by magic. I listened to her steps go halfway down the hall, hesitate, then rush back to my room accompanied by a high-pitched scream.


By this time frustration was building inside my body. I tried to push away the tingles of anger starting in my heart.

Baby, I said, go ask Joseph! He’s right there, he’ll pour you some!”

Cue episode two of the meltdown complete with a half- trip down the hall and back again. I was definitely more than frustrated the second time she stumbled back to my bed leaking tears and snot and angry screams.

Right now, you’re probably judging me for not leaping out of bed, and rushing to the kitchen to feed my child. In total honesty, I don’t know if I did make the right decision, but at that moment, it was a heart issue. An obedience issue. I told her to go ask her brother twice for his help, and yet, she didn’t obey.

So this time I took definitive action.
“Give me the cereal box and then go to your room until you calm down.”

She emitted several long, glass-shattering shrieks, ran blindly to her bedroom and threw herself face down on the bed. Quiet reigned for a few seconds before the ear-splitting screeching began again. I could tell from the sounds that this was not hurt crying, or sad crying. This was anger. I could hear it floating in the atmosphere as she poured all her energy into ragged bursts of raspy, vocal-chord ripping screams.

I could feel the responding anger creeping out of my heart to join hers. If the atmosphere had suddenly become visible, I’m convinced that I would have seen purple and black fog fingers slipping into the corners, greedily eyeing my reactions with red, glowing eyes.

Atmosphere. Have you ever walked into places and spaces and felt darkness or light? Honing your spiritual sensitivities to detect the presence of the enemy or the presence of God is not something many people speak of, but it is biblically accurate.

Hebrews 5:14 says, “But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.”

Reason of use. Other bible translations define this phrase as, “constant use”, “training”, and “practice”.

Do you practice discernment? Are you constantly using your spiritual senses? Have you added spiritual training to your New Year’s resolutions? I pray so.

But is that our one mandate? Just to discern between good and evil? Solely to recognize the tendrils of the enemy or the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit in the atmosphere? Or is there another calling on our lives as followers of Jesus? Romans 13:11-12 enlightens us. It says,

Besides this, you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.”

So we throw off the works of darkness and do not allow them a foothold in our lives. We put on the armor of light and fight back when we feel the presence of the enemy. This is not the time to cower in the corner when we feel threatened, this is the time to take out your sword! The call to arms is deeply reverberating. Like a high, clear, bell pealing over a quiet valley, warning villagers of danger. Warning them to be alert.

The Lord has been opening my eyes to an important truth lately as I’ve been entrenched in the sixth chapter of Ephesians while studying author and speaker Priscilla Shirer’s incredible Armor of God study. Are you ready for this? Hear it loud and clear.

The enemy is out to get you.

He will hit you when you are down, drive a wedge of disharmony into your relationships, smother you with lies, and try his hardest to shield your eyes from seeing Jesus.

1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

This is not a fair fight. He will take any and every opportunity to throw dust in your eyes… and when you’re off balance and spitting dirt and gravel he’ll try to shove you over a cliff.

But don’t be distracted by his cheating and his lies. Instead, keep reading 1 Peter 1:9… “Resist him steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.”

Then remember what 2 Thessalonians 3:3 says: “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.”

Meditate on 1 John 4:4: “You are of God little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

We’re on the winning side. We’ve got victory in Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:4-5 delves into the specifics of our victory in Christ. It’s through a very particular word.

For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Did you catch that word? Faith. Our faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who came and forgave all our sins, wiping out the handwriting of requirements against us and triumphing in victory over all other powers. (Colossians 2:13-15)

Our faith in Jesus gives us the victory to overcome the world.

I was still seething. But suddenly my anger was not directed at my circumstances, my anger was directed exactly where it should have been….at the hidden enemy. I felt God’s Spirit directing my energy as I marched into the kitchen. I pulled out my phone, whipped out my counter-top Bluetooth speaker, and defiantly pressed play on my Spotify worship playlist. As I turned the volume up, and blasted the music I could feel the darkness writhing in pain as it beat a whimpering retreat.

I’d like to say that my day turned into sunshine and roses after this. But it didn’t. My three-year old projectile vomited straight into my face. When she felt better, she gave herself a massive haircut that I had to try to straighten out. I didn’t finish teaching school that day. I had to struggle against the enemy all day and I was battle-weary by bedtime. But the atmosphere was different. I was struggling, but I was winning. The atmosphere had changed because Jesus stepped into the fray. And when Jesus comes, everything changes.

Here As In Heaven

c. Elevation Worship and Essential Music Publishing

The atmosphere is changing now

For the Spirit of the Lord is here

The evidence is all around

That the Spirit of the Lord is here

Overflow in this place

Fill our hearts with Your love

Your love surrounds us

You’re the reason we came

To encounter Your love

Your love surrounds us

Spirit of God fall fresh on us

We need Your presence

Your kingdom come, Your will be done

Here as in Heaven

Take a moment:

  1. Read 1 John 4:1-4. What is our guarantee of victory over the world? (vs 4) Personalize that truth by speaking it out loud several times.“He who is in ME is greater than he who is in the world”
  2. Go to your favorite music streaming site (Spotify, Pandora, Youtube or something else you love). Create a worship playlist that you can use as armor when the darkness encroaches. Or if you’re in the car, flip over to a christian radio station and let the atmosphere change.

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